•Each gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories per gram
=> Carbo which stands for carbon and hydrate stands for water.
1.There are two types of carbohydrates complex and simple ones.
-Simple carbohydrates are simple form of sugar that is usually sweet tasting and its broken very easily down into glucose.
-Simple carbs are sugars. While some of these occur naturally in milk, most of the simple carbs are added to foods.
•White bread
•Dairy products
•Most pasta
•Certain foods
2.Complex carbohydrates are made of many molecules of simple carbs linked together, because of this it takes the body longer to break it down to glucose.
•What is glucose?
•Glucose is very simple sugar that is an important energy source in living things. Most carbs are broken down in the body into glucose which is main source of fuel for all cells.
•Brown rice
We classify carbs according of their glycemic index!
What is glycemic index?
The glycemic index is a scale that ranks the number of carbohydrates in foods from zero to 100, indicating how quickly a food causes a person's blood sugar to rise. Foods high on the glycemic index (GI) can cause harmful blood sugar spikes in people with diabetes.
- sugar and sugary foods. Green vegetables
- sugary soft drinks. Raw carrots
- white bread. Kidney beans
- potatoes. Lentils
- white rice. Breakfast Cereals
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