Most of the minerals are found in unlimited quantity in nature like in the water in rivers, in lakes, in oceans, they are found in many food like plants or in mineral water.

There are twenty-two of total which makes 4% of our body mass. 

They are classified into two categories.

When it comes to minerals role to the metabolism:

They play a key role in the constitution of bones and teeth.

✔ They contribute in the maintenance of cardiac rhythm, muscular contraction, the neural conductivity and acid base balance.

✔ Regulate metabolism, facilitate energy release.

✔ Controls the water balance (osmotic pressure).

✔ Supply of oxygen in the body cells.

 Catalyze many metabolic reactions.


MAJOR MINERALS (macro elements) => 7

• Calcium (Ka)

• Magnesium (Mg)

• Sodium (Na)

• Chlorine (Cl)

• Potassium (K)

• Phosphorus (P)

• Sulfur (S)

TRACE ELEMENTS (micro elements) => 15

• Iron

• Zinc

• Copper

• Fluorine

• Iodine

• Chromium

• Selenium

• Nickel

• Cobalt

• Vanadium

• Molybdenum

• Tin

• Silicon

• Manganese

Foods that are high on  minerals:






•Dark chocolate





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